Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This is really getting me down.

Sitting in the kitchen, reading on FDMB about Tucker's Mom's cat and valium. I heard the snarling/growling that now accompanies Milk's seizures. He had been napping in a cat bed under the rocking chair in the dining room. I couldn't get at him to wipe him up while the seizure was going on because he was sitting upright and the seat of the rocker was right at his head. I don't know how long it went on before the growling started - not too long, I don't think, because the other three cats all went racing out of the kitchen to go and stare at him. Very unusual. Not so much foaming this time, mostly on the right side of his face and his right front leg. He just sat there with an occasional jerk of his head and shoulders for a few seconds afterwards, and then came into the kitchen to look for food. All in all, this was a shorter seizure, the growling was much louder and more aggressive sounding, and the recovery period was quicker. I wonder if any of that is significant. Does this mean that the increased phenobarbital and Keppra together have not had much impact?

Supposed to go to dinner with the Hotel Ladies, but I don't like to leave him after a seizure. We were going to Max and Erma's, and the last time we were there, I couldn't find anything I liked anyway. The conversation would have been nice, though......

Guess I'll go and see if little Milk would like to snuggle. Sometimes he seems sleepy afterwards.