Saturday, July 14, 2007

Another new prescription

(Is this little cat cute, or WHAT?!)

I've managed to convince myself that this round of seizures has started because of the different manufacturer of the last prescription. I talked to Dr. G. this morning, and he said that it's highly unlikely, but he was willing to indulge me and give me a prescription to get phenobarb manufactured by "Qualitest" again. (The stuff from Costco was made by Wade-Ward.) It's silly, but since giving him one of the new pills at noon, I'm so much more relaxed this afternoon. He's been asleep for five hours, and NO SEIZURES. In fact, the extended sleeping could be a sign that this phenobarb is working better than the last stuff, which really didn't seem to have any of the side effects of the original brand at all. You might think that that's better, but not if "no side effects" also means "nothing keeping the seizures controlled," right?

I also asked about bringing him in today for bloodwork, but there wouldn't be much point in doing it today because phenobarb levels are apparently one of the tests that Antech doesn't do every day and it's a weekend. As I recall, it took three days the last time to get results. So, I'll just take him on Monday or Tuesday. That will mean that the measurement will be of the Qualitest pills, but that's okay, I guess. It would have been interesting to have a measurement of the effectiveness of the ones that weren't working, though.