Sunday, March 23, 2008

Another sad anniversary

In about an hour and a half, it will be the exact moment of the anniversary of the first seizure my little Milkshake ever had. If I'd known then what I know now...... Well, no, I suppose it wouldn't have made much difference. Although, I would have not waited until he'd had 10 MORE seizures to start giving him phenobarb, that's for sure. Sometimes being "hopeful" is really not a good thing.

Maybe the most significant thing is that we survived this past year, and we know that we'll get through the next one, too. And the one after that, and..........

Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's been a month and a half since Milk's last seizure. (Whispering....) He seems to be doing very well, generally. Except for the not-eating, things have been quite normal for my little Milkshake. You should see him sproinging around the living room. Like he's got little tiny trampolines on his feet......

I am sort of fiddling around with the times of his pills - getting hold of him five times a day is a major pain in the neck. I can combine one of the phenobarbs with either the first or last Keppra, but the Marin needs to be given with food, so it's just as easy to put it in a pill pocket with the phenobarb and give him a bottle of EVO at the same time. I wish that I had the courage to try cutting the phenobarbital in half again, (which would be about 3 and 1/2 mg bid) with an intent to remove it completely, but I'm really afraid. Our experience has been that, with a dosage change, when the seizures start up again, they're even more resistant to being controlled. Karen from the epi-kitty board got forms from Auburn to report about the Keppra usage, and I'd like to have the pheno levels tested again, too, so I suppose that should be the next project. If his Keppra levels came back incredibly high, I would still not be inclined to lower his dosage, though; it's working now, it wasn't before at a lower amount, and I'm not willing to change things if it's not totally necessary.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Found a pill..........

laying on the kitchen floor this morning. It appeared to have been in a Pill Pocket - the surface of the pill looked rough, like it had been exposed to dampness - and there was a little tiny chunk of brownish taffy-looking stuff on it. It was one of the 1/2 Keppra pills. No way to know how long it had been there, or who chewed the Pill Pocket off from around it. At least there hasn't been a seizure - oh, how I hope that's a good sign. As to how it got to the floor - who knows? I think I can only remember once in the last couple days that he managed to spit out a pill, which I know I picked up and pushed back into the corner of his mouth.

There has been a smidge of progress on the Food Front. Several times in the last couple days, I've seen Milk go over to one of the food dishes (I've become, somewhat to my surprise, a "free feeder" again) and actually eat a little bit. I've been giving them the Nature's Variety Frozen Raw again for about two weeks, and he seems to like it. Have to get some more. He seems less pleased with the canned/bottle EVO now, though. He liked the 95% beef EVO, but it was really greasy and fatty - those little blops of white fat! - and it didn't mix well with the water for bottlefeeding. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. Things would be much simpler if he'd just eat on his own again - especially if I have to take him along to Erie or New York for Scruffy's potential eye surgery.