Saturday, February 16, 2008

He's driving me crazy.

It appears that we have a very minimal leeway for pilling with Milk. Two of the last three seizures seemed to have been specifically related to getting his pills late. That said, I am making myself crazy - and ruining what's left of my knees - staggering up and down the steps and lifting up the couch and trying to trick him into standing still long enough for me to grab him. We've got all the bedroom doors closed all the time (screwing up the furnace!) so he can't get under the beds. It doesn't help that he won't eat voluntarily, either; food is no incentive. Except Temptations treats, which he will only be fooled by if my husband rattles the bag. He's no dummy. (The cat, that is.)

Someone posted the other day on FDMB a website with clicker information. I actually BOUGHT a clicker back in November, but I have no idea what I did with it. (Story of my life.) Four dollars for what is essentially exactly the same as those little froggy clicker things they had when I was a kid, that cost a penny.... This is miserable five times a day for both of us. (Not the pilling, which isn't fun but is manageable - the catching/grabbing.) I'm about to see if I can find one of those short-handled butterfly nets Hope talked about.

And yet another problem - this poor little cat. Busy has spent his whole life - seven years - desperately wanting to be the Cat In Charge. And no one else has ever paid the least bit of attention to him. But Milkshake - smaller, wobbly, scrawny, vulnerable - the Perfect Target for the Putative Cat In Charge. Busy never misses an opportunity to knock Milk over, stand on him, and chew on his neck. Milk has two sores - dime sized - one on each shoulder. I was going to try to put neosporin on them or something, but I guess it has to be a substance that both cats can get in their mouths and won't hurt them. Going to get vaseline today. I thought about trying to wrap a scarf around Milk's shoulders, but that's too risky. He's a little wobbly on his feet still, and I'd be afraid that he'd fall and get hooked by the scarf or something. I have to drag one of them with me every time I go to the bathroom, especially - that's Busy favorite attack time. Bright cat, isn't he? - "My mother's incapacitated, I can gnaw on this little white cat."

Now - it's 11:38. He gets 1/2 phenobarb tablet, and a Marin pill, wrapped in a pill pocket - which he won't eat, it has to be pilled, too - and a 2 ounce bottle of soupy EVO canned Cat and Kitten Chicken and Turkey in 20 minutes. And about five minutes ago, he hopped up on the bench beside me here and curled up in a kitty pi. Will I be able to get hold of him? Will he slither away as though his fur is greased? Will this on-going contest of wills ever END? Scruffy's so cooperative about all the ear-poking; I hope THIS ONE never becomes a diabetic.

Okay, I'm going in now......