Monday, December 3, 2007

Well, it happened again.

Only earlier. Up at 4AM this morning - no seizure, but bouncing all over the place for two hours. I really wonder if this is related to the Keppra. None of my cats wakes me up anymore before the alarm goes off. And once he finally did get back to sleep, he was really out of it. I am worrying - hopefully unnecessarily - about this huge dosage. Although, I don't see any physical signs that there's anything going on aside from this weird middle-of-the-night thing. His coordination is quite normal, appetite about as stinky as usual, everything in general the same. I'd like to call and leave a message for Dr. Axlund to ask him if this is normal, and if he thinks that maybe we should do the Keppra blood test he mentioned somewhere along the way. Or someone who knows about Keppra. (I was even questioning the technician at Dr. G's, who takes it. Of course, she's not a cat....)

Also ordered the compounded phenobarb from the pharmacy in Michigan that Hope uses. I didn't even ask what the cost would be. I just hope that it gets here by Friday.