Sunday, July 6, 2008

Seems better.....

Talk about your waffling.....

Well, I'm sure he's not blind, and he's not sleeping so much, and he's even been sleeping with me a couple of days in the last week. I asked Dian about the possibility that she might be willing to make her raw recipe to sell to me, and she says she is. She brought a sample yesterday, and Scruffy was the only one who was willing to eat it right off the bat. (And then he threw up. But he always throws up. Plus, he polished off the other three bowls during the course of the day.) By the evening meal, Scruffy was still enthused, Burble had given up and decided it was worth trying, and even my little Milk actually ate five or six bites. Which he did again this morning, and this evening. Not a lot, and it's mixed about half and half with Fancy Feast, but still a very good sign, hopefully.

He's still getting over Stephen's visit, sadly. All that time huddled under the couch, the poor thing. But he looks a little better. I upped the EVO bottles to two a day, and that seems to have helped significantly.

I brought little Toot out to converse with the Big Boys twice this weekend. The first time, Milk was napping on the bench beside the computer. I put her down beside him, and he really didn't react at all - he sniffed her, and she sort of hissed at him (having been hissed at efficiently by Scruffy a minute before.) And then she kind of snuggled into Milk's stomach, and he gave her a little lick- it was very sweet. They actually touched noses before Tooter jumped down. Milk has been hanging out around the screen door, like he's realized that there are two more candidates for him to snuggle up to somewhere along the way. And I've seen him actually sniffing Minnie right up against the screen. It'd be nice if the two girls would know right away that Milky will be their friend.

The new Keppra came in only five days, which was a wonder, considering the mixup in sending the prescription that delayed the order's even being placed for 8 days. I don't know if it was a good idea to order the 500mg pills or not - I was thinking that it would end up cheaper because they could be chopped up into more pieces, but their size isn't conducive to being easily chopped, I'm afraid. They are longer ( a little) and wider ( another little) , but the main size difference is in the thickness, which is impossible to do anything about. (Could I slice them in half across the middle? Doubt it.) And the math is going to be a definite problem. I am hoping that, like the dosage of both phenobarbital and Keppra he's getting now, I can get it close enough to a regular amount that will still hold off the seizures. Please. It's odd how quickly I get used to his not having seizures - like the reality of the disorder is so awful that it's worth doing almost anything not to have to think of it or something. He seems more alert the last day or two, which makes me worry about his phenobarb level dropping too low. Last night, he was all over the cat tree - dangling from one claw, hopping from the floor to the top in one jump, talking to himself while he walked all around it. You would never have watched that performance and thought that there was a thing in the world wrong with him. So, yeah, this is a great time to start messing around with his medication, right? He's got enough of the smaller Keppras to last less than a week, and will need a new prescription for phenobarb in the next few days, too. Fingers crossed.