Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Milkshake has started to eat. I can't say exactly when. Not a lot, and not particularly enthusiastically, but he shows up now in the kitchen at meal times, and even though he may not eat when I first put his bowl down, the chances are very good that he'll be back to sniff and eat a little bit two or three or four times. We've been out of the homemade raw food (except for some wonderful extra chicken chunks that Dian sent!) for more than a week now, between my getting sick and Scruffy's laser surgery, and Milk's probably the most enthusiastic raw chicken eater of the six cats, so I think when the raw returns, he' ll be delighted. I can't believe I have six cats.

What does this do to my previous, probably half-baked theory about his phenobarb level and the degree of anorexia? Don't know. And I really don't want to drag him to the vet yet again for bloodwork.

I also tested my "Are paint fumes a trigger?" theory again this week, with two days of painting the living room and hall. To my relief and delight - no seizures, although I woke up two mornings in a row CONVINCED that I'd heard him foaming and growling. Both times, he was just sitting there peacefully. (I'm a little embarrassed to bring this up, but I did have one MORE theory fermenting in my mind - the "Marin would be good for helping his liver to deal with the assault of phenobarbital every day" proposition. The jury's still out on that one, but I'm inclined to credit the Marin with contributing to the much longer periods between seizures, and to the less overwhelming numbers of consecutive seizures. I am absolutely convinced that milk thistle has been the salvation of my own liver, and I think it's helping my little Milk. And if it's not, I don't want to know. Sometimes, self-delusion can be a wonderful thing.....)

And sometimes, it's better to have your OWN napping place, where your "brother" can't show up after you're already settled and plop down on top of you: