Thursday, February 12, 2009

The third adoption anniversary


Well, the good news is, no tears this year.. The bad news is, I completely forgot about the anniversary until about five minutes ago. Which doesn't, of course, mean that I don't care about the milestone. I just have a really lousy memory and not much interest in the calendar. Plus, I actually finally managed to get Milk trained to show up when I jiggle his tupperware container of TempTations. Thank goodness.

I have been a little concerned about him in the last couple weeks. Milk seems wobblier than he's been for quite a while. He is eating fairly enthusiastically, which is wonderful. He even gained an ounce since last month. Still, there are small but noticeable balance issues, for instance. God forbid he should decide to shake his head when he's in any position but lying down. I have an appointment to do phenobarb and keppra level bloodwork. Anyway, I have dropped the second chunk of Keppra with his 2AM set of pills, and it doesn't seem to have made any negative impact. I'm just afraid to take the chance of setting off a whole wave of uncontrollable seizures, when things have been going so well for so long.

On a happier note, as the picture above shows, Milk has finally gotten semi-close to Cinnaminnie. Not touching her, but in the vicinity. Not much chance of his ever accomplishing that with Tootle, though....