Monday, May 12, 2008

Longer, louder, more violent.

This is really getting me down - I fell asleep around 3:15, and here I sit at 5:05, having just weathered another seizure. Alarmingly shorter interval since the previous one, too. I had tried giving him the phenobarb separately at 12 hours for several days, and it didn't matter; he still had seizures. So last night and tonight, I just gave it at 2AM with the Keppra. No seizure yesterday morning, and one this morning. I am increasingly more convinced that there is a connection between his ability to eat again on his own and phenobarb dosage. I wanted to wait to send away his blood to Auburn and get both Keppra and phenobarb levels done, but maybe that 's not practical to do. I hope to go back to sleep in a few minutes, and when we get up again for the day, I'll print out the forms and call Dr. G.

Description of the seizure, before I forget: only two quick odd lip-licking sounds before it actually started, and again, he was snuggled into my armpit, so I had to get him moved. Which I just barely managed to do before he started practically roaring - very loud snarling. And unlike the last one, this was very physical - a lot of flopping around. For much of the seizure , which lasted probably 40 seconds, his tail was sticking straight up in the air, which struck me as somehow oddly humorous. I don't know how anything can seem funny when your poor little cat's flopping and banging and snarling uncontrollably, but there you have it. And then, which I have never seen before, he started to crane his neck backwards in a pretty alarming position. I kept my hand on his back - only the second time I've ever touched him during a seizure, so I didn't have to worry so much about him flopping onto the floor. When it ended, I had a kleenex that I started to wipe him off with, but it seemed to alarm him - two big post-seizure jerks when I touched him with it, so I just let him be. He laid quite peacefully for a good two minutes, and then jumped down and went to the kitchen to look for food. He ate about 3/4 of a can of FF, and a few pieces of dry. I wiped him up with paper towels. And now he's been circling around from the kitchen to the dining room, in the other kitchen door, up on my desk, and back down again. He's still quite wobbly, and it's been almost a half hour.

Tomorrow, also, I am going to do a dedicated search for the liquid valium/catheter stuff that Dr. L. gave me. I don't like the frequency increase that's going on here. I'm pretty sure the valium's expired, so I'll probably have to call and see if she'll give me another vial of it. If not, I don't know what I'll do, since Dr. G. doesn't have any. Wonder if you can get it from the drugstore?

I am exhausted.