Saturday, May 17, 2008

With minimal comment

Keppra level returned from Auburn today (even though I haven't paid for the testing yet) - 38.2. Dr. G said (and I haven't seen the form they use to report, as to whether it has any more detailed information or what) that the approved level is 5-21. Which leaves us almost 2 times the maximum, although there's no way to know exactly what the basis for setting 21 as the max is. (And I think - it sticks in my mind - that those are the HUMAN numbers, which would make sense, since they had said that they don't have enough cats to begin to establish what dosages should be. So, I need to relax about that. I think I will call them on Monday - I know that Karen talked to a researcher there who said that they regard Keppra as being so safe and unlikely to cause side effects that they don't worry much about dosage. I am envisioning a horrified reaction anyway. And my ending up in tears, because we have virtually no options, since he was toxic on phenobarb before. And since, on this dosage of Keppra, he still had 6 seizures between 4/30 and 5/16.

Just as sickening, I increased the phenobarb just 3 or 4 mg BID (a tiny 1/4 pill) two days ago or so, and this morning, Milk's not even willing to sniff his food bowl. It was so wonderful to have him eating again on his own, and coming into the kitchen when everyone else did, and starting to look less emaciated. And not having to bottle feed him.

This is sickening. Stomach-turning, repulsively sickening. And unfair.