Thursday, May 15, 2008

Three days!

Since the last seizure! I'm surprised and pleased. Interestingly (to me, at least) is the fact that he's doing the same thing he did one other time - I tried to go back and find it in the blog, but it was taking too much fiddling around..... Anyway, on each of these last three mornings with no seizures, he's awakened abruptly at 6AM and started roaming aimlessly around. Like it would have been a seizure, but didn't quite get all the way there. He waits till Rege gets his shower and passes out the treats, and then comes back and snuggles until the alarm goes off at 10:00. Today, he didn't even react to the alarm - I really think, if I hadn't had to grab him so I could be sure to get his pills in him on time, he would have slept for quite a while longer. We're all exhausted.

I did pick up a new prescription for the phenobarbital, but haven't increased the dosage. And if it's possible to avoid, I'd really rather not. It seems that the slightly increased Keppra has taken effect even with the previously ineffective phenobarb amount, which is wonderful, I think. (Unless they come up with recommended dosage levels for Keppra that he's way out of range on. A possibility, sadly.) Today, the tests at Auburn should be done. (And they have to send a bill, too, because I can't find my checkbook and they didn't want to use a charge.) I'm a little nervous, but at this point, no matter what their results are, if he continues to be controlled, I am not going to mess it up.

It would be nice to get another three seizure-free months out of this rearrangement...