Friday, October 19, 2007

Phenobarb reaction again?

I don't like what I'm seeing here. I've noticed a distinct increase in Milk's wobbliness earlier this week. This morning, he jumped up on the bathroom sink, and stepped off into space twice with one of his back legs. His appetite is decreasing again, too; I've been giving him a kitten bottle or two of Wellness again every day for a week.

I called the Speciality Hospital this afternoon, but Dr. L. wasn't in. Milk's supposed to have bloodwork done next week anyway - phenobarb levels, bile acids, and something else I can't think of. I made an appointment with Dr. L for him for Tuesday, but I am going to call Dr. G tomorrow and see if he might have time in the AM (before I take Scruffy to the chiropractic appointment) to do the bloodwork. I prefer his method of getting blood - he uses Milk's thigh, rather than the jugular or wherever it is the Speciality Hospital technicians have to make multiple pokes around his knees. Plus, I don't like them taking him away to do it; he's such a shy little person, and I think it matters to him to have me there. Additionally, someone posted the other day on the epifelines site that Antech has a - well, I don' t know what it's called - system, program, schedule - whatever - they do a bunch of tests all at once to determine blood levels of therapeutic drugs. Antech isn't the same company that the SH uses, but I'd rather know on Sunday if his phenobarbital level is high again than wait till the middle of the week. Plus, if I can't get him in to Dr. G on Saturday, I can do it Sunday and still be ahead of the report game.

I would like to know if there are people whose cats are just on Keppra. Or what about the person on the epifelines board whose cat takes 250mg TID of Keppra? Would that work for Milk? That 250mg cat weighs 20 pounds or something, though; Dr. L seemed to believe that weight is significant in Keppra dosing.

Speaking of which - the Canadian generic Keppra came today. It's been maybe four days since I got the email saying that it had been shipped. The whole experience - except for my faxing disaster - was relatively painless, and I will be happy to do it again. They were very pleasant and cooperative. Someplace in Manitoba. Interestingly, although the package came in a big plastic mailing pouch, and you could hear the pills banging around if you shook it, and it was addressed to me and to "pet Milkshake" - there was no indication anywhere on the bag that it contained medication.

Around 9:00, I heard a funny noise in the kitchen. I thought Milk was having a seizure. When I went to see, there was a huge dark yellow puddle of clear liquid all over the floor. And a smaller puddle beside where he was sitting. He plainly looked like he didn't feel well. There was no solid stuff in the puddles, and no sign of his 6:00 Keppra pill, thank goodness. He hadn't eaten anything at 8:00 when I fed everyone, and he kept licking his lips. Hope didn't think it was anything to get hysterical about, though. (I immediately was imagining liver failure from the phenobarb.) Anyway, when I got up the next day, there was a fairly large spot on the rug of orangish stuff - ick - with three very tiny little hairballs in the middle. So, presumably that's what the problem was. Hopefully. I had gone to the store for Pepcid AC last night, and gave him 1/4 tablet then, and another 1/4 with this morning's Keppra. He ate a few treats, although I didn't see him eating any cat food. He's peppier today anyway, so I guess that's what it was....

How come nothing's ever simple?